Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Do Girls Like Sex?

It’s a common “belief” that girls don’t like sex as much as men do. Women tend to resist to one night stands, and they also act very bitchy to men in bars and clubs. In fact, it’s even considered rude for a man to directly ask a girl to sleep with you.
But does this behavior mean that women don’t like sex?

Girls Enjoy Sex?

I have seen women having extremely wild orgasms. When aroused in the proper way, the female orgasm is
much more powerful and enjoyable than the male orgasm. So, when it comes to the physical pleasure, I believe my answer is simple. Girls enjoy sex more than men. That’s of course very general, but you may
go and make a survey among your female friends – women enjoy sex at least as much as men do.
Even when it comes to sexual drive, studies show that women don’t have weaker sex drive than men. Women think, dream and want sex too.
By the way, Women’s libido is correlated to their menstrual cycle. Many women experience heightened sexual desire in the several days before ovulation.
I can tell about myself that my sex drive isn’t that high. I remember one of my ex-girlfriends trying to convince me into sex while I just wanted to sleep.
However, while men fell free to express their sexual desire, women tend to have higher control when it comes to sex.

A Girl Needs to Feel Attracted

After we agreed that women do enjoy sex, an average man would ask, then why do women reject my sexual offers?
First of all, women do enjoy sex, like men do. But even men need to feel attracted to a woman in order to want to have sex with her. For a man, attraction is based mainly on looks. For women, attraction is related mainly to behavior and attractive masculine traits.
So women aren’t different from men. In fact, some men will agree to sex without attraction, but they won’t enjoy it as much. If it was just for the sex, it might be cheaper to use a prostitute. But you want a woman you are attracted to. Women too.

The Pregnancy Effect

Before the pill and condom were invented, A woman who had sex could get pregnant. Today it’s not true, but female psychology is based on that. A woman’s psychology developed during hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. Because a woman can get pregnant only once at a time, she will mate only with the most attractive male.
But in addition to the attraction factors, that tell her to choose a strong and powerful man, she will also need to be sure that the man will stay with her and take care of her and her babies
Even if a girl is with an attractive man, she will want to check if he is “serious”. That’s the basic cause for which women look for a relationship. And that’s why they oppose to one night stands, at least subconsciously.

The Social Effect

Monotheistic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) have values that discourage sexual pleasure, and allow it only within marriage.
In addition, according to the common values in the western world, a woman who has sex with many partners is considered a whore. For men, it’s considered a honor to have many sexual partners, but for women it’s the opposite.
That’s why women hide their sexual desire. It’s against the social code for a girl to want sex. And initiate it? No way.
Women are educated to have self control, even if they want sex.

Additional Reasons to Why Girls Resist

In addition to the basic reasons – the social and the biological, there are many other reasons.
You, as a man, aren’t that afraid of women. On the physical level, a woman can’t harm you. But a girl who doesn’t know you enough, is in a big risk. She might get raped and she might get violated.
Also, in a quick one night stand, the man might not care about the girl’s pleasure, like a boyfriend.
So, do girls like sex? Yes, they do! But be aware of the reasons for which they might resist.

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