Friday, July 27, 2012

100 blogging tips to make your blog even better

“Blogging is a great way to make money online; there are lots of people out there who are making their living by blogging”. Sounds good, hu? Yes it’s true that you can make lots of money if you have a popular blog and you have to get lots of traffic. But I am sorry to inform that making a blog is damn hard. You need to do lots of thing to make your blog popular to make lots of money. So today I am going to share with you top 50 blogging tips which will make your blog even better.

  1. Always use own domain name for your blog. Never use free sub domain like and
  2. Choose a perfect domain name and try to make it simple, short, descriptive and memorable.
  3. Use .com extension. And don’t use number and hyphens in domain name.
  4. If you host your own blog never use cheap hosting service.
  5. If you use blogger use your own domain at least.
  6. Make your blog design user friendly. Try to make a simple yet powerful design.
  7. Choose a blog topic according to your interest and knowledge. I mean follow your passion.
  8. Are yourself are you ready to be a blogger or not.
  9. Give a proper title to your blog.
  10. Write regularly and never give it up
  11. Never copy other content.
  12. Always try to be honest
  13. Give credit to other where its necessary
  14. Never try to be a good spammer.
  15. While writing an article always try to avoid spelling and grammatically error even though you need not to be 100% perfect grammatically. But try it
  16. Don’t write paid review most often.
  17. Love your readers.
  18. Respect your competitor
  19. Give link to other useful resource even though it’s from your competitor’s site.
  20. Build a community.
  21. Be part of as many communities as you can.
  22. Comment on other blogs
  23. Leave funny and interesting comments
  24. Enjoy everything
  25. Write guest post regular. At least three per month
  26. Write for your reader but don’t forget about keyword research.
  27. Always use tag and category
  28. Don’t forget about meta tag and description
  29. Reduce your blog’s load time.
  30. Don’t use too much plugins and gadget if it not essential
  31. Always use image in your post
  32. Check your blog post twice before hitting publish button.
  33. Allow people to comment to your blog.
  34. Blogging is duck of golden eggs but don’t try to get eggs at once by killing it.
  35. Be patient
  36. Don’t be introvert
  37. Make other people known about your blog.
  38. Don’t shy to promote your blog when you get any chance.
  39. Use your link as your signature in your email
  40. Join as many social networks as possible. At least just try to create a profile in every social networking sites
  41. Be yourself and try to make some thing unique.
  42. Use attractive logo and header.
  43. Reply your readers question whether it’s via comment or mail.
  44. Reduce wasting time your time by watching too much television or playing foolish social networking games.
  45. Give value to your readers.
  46. Don’t work too much take rest some times.
  47. Always have some plane.
  48. Join forum and post daily.
  49. Be active at least in 5 social networking sites.
  50. Don’t be too much commercial.
  51. Provide some freebie.
  52. Use twitter and facebook effectively to promote your blog.
  53. Retweet and share other peoples content to your social media.
  54. Try to build personal relationship with your fellow bloggers by email or IM
  55. Take interview.
  56. Build a readership
  57. Don’t forget your readers if you got some success.
  58. Relay every email whether it’s positive or negative.
  59. Don’t try too much to make money.
  60. Never cheat with your reader
  61. Solve peoples problems
  62. Read poplar blogs
  63. Use keyword tools
  64. Use press release
  65. Ask question to your readers
  66. Make top list about interesting post
  67. Make list of your some favourite blogger and inform them
  68. Submit Rss feed to ress directiries
  69. Don’t post negative post
  70. Read self improvement blogs
  71. Take blogging easily but seriously
  72. Don’t write too short or too large
  73. Comment on dofollow blog
  74. Use track back
  75. Provide option to your reader to share your content
  76. Allow people to subscribe you via rss and mail
  77. Use top commentator widget
  78. Use related post widget
  79. Use recent post widget
  80. Get featured in local newspaper
  81. Use popular post widget
  82. Make a attractive about me page
  83. Make an archive page
  84. Male a dedicate twitter account for your blog
  85. Ask your friend to link with your post.
  86. Provide current information
  87. Make some tutorial
  88. Make list type post
  89. Write article and submit in article directories
  90. Submit your blog at blog directories
  91. Open various contest on your blog
  92. Write quality content always
  93. Don’t forget to use google analysis and webmaster tools
  94. Use your link in your card.
  95. Use ping service to ping your blog
  96. Don’t join in traffic exchange, banner exchange type sites.
  97. Make a site map and submit it to search engine
  98. Don’t worry about your stats
  99. Always be confident
  100. And don’t beg for money, money will beg to be in your hand one day

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