Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Use Forums to Grow Your Blog

Onibalusi Bamidele is a young blogger and writer who teaches people how to write for traffic and money. He also writes about how to market a blog.
If you’ve been blogging for sometimes now then you will know how important marketing is when it comes to building a successful blog. Traffic is the most important thing when it comes to marketing your blog and there are various ways to drive traffic to your blog. One of my favorite approaches towards driving traffic to your blog is by marketing your blog on forums. This article will be giving you a few tips to help you grow your blog by marketing it on forums.

The Importance of Contribution

When some people hear about forum marketing the first thing that comes to their mind is that they should start posting links to their blogs or to their latest blog posts on forums, the reality about this is that you will end up getting banned on your favorite forum.
When it comes to growing your blog by using forums one of the most important things you need to learn how to do is contribute to forums. Instead of posting links to your latest blog posts on it make sure you spend your time creating valuable threads and replying to other people’s threads.

Learning to Brand Yourself

The next step you have to take to take your contribution to the next level is to brand yourself. This means you should have a clear avatar that depicts your brand and business while also going the extra mile to make yourself recognized on the forums.
A great way to make sure you’re recognized on your favorite forum is by looking for a popular section of the forum related to your blog and by doing everything you can to make yourself the top contributor on this forum. This means you should be actively creating great trends on that particular section of the forum, you should also be investing more time into replying to other people’s thread and giving people valuable answers to their questions.
By doing this you will be able to gain the trust of the forum members and people will see you as someone who is there to contribute, not just someone who is looking for a link to his blog.

Making Effective Use of Your Signature

The above two techniques are used to be able to gain the trust of the members of your favorite forum. The next thing you should do is to write a clear signature that makes it clear who you are – that signature will be like your author bio or your ad, so that whenever people read your threads and love it they will be able to click to your blog.
It is very important to make effective use of clear call to actions telling people what to do and where to click when writing your signature. It is also very important that you limit the number of links available – instead of having 3 to 4 links in your signature you can reduce it to 1 or 2 as this will be making it easy for the readers of your signature to take action.

1 comment:

  1. search engine likes forum posting then any other link building , so it is really nice feeling by knowing some more from you

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