Friday, July 27, 2012

An easy way to get high quality one way backlink

Backlink backlink and backlink this one term makes people going crazy especially when it comes internet marketing through niche site. To get high rank for any particular keyword unfortunately there are no other way than building backlinks. There are too many techniques out there to build backlink and those methods vary from marketer to marketer. But most of them use some usual ways link directory submission, article marketing, forum posting, blog commenting, guest posting etc. here I am not saying
that those are not worth trying. Actually I also do all of those technique while building backlinks. But today I want to share an unusual way to get a high quality backlink. I hope you will enjoy and try this just with all of those above techniques.
This link will come form site squidoo. No no don’t worry there is no need to create a lens to do so. Let’s take a look what we need to do.
  • All need to sign up in squidoo
  • Sign in your account and then go to google and type site: “ add to this list”
But one thing we need to keep in mind that google gives value only those links which come from related site. So you can do this. Suppose your niche is acne care then you should type in google site: “add to the list” acne care

  • Then you will find some search results click on those page and scroll down you will get “add to the list” button and simple add your link there.
  • Do this for other page too what you got in your search results
  • When you will get your backlink on that list you may ping that squidoo to pingomactic to call search engine to crawl your links.
  • That’s all

1 comment:

  1. the information of the article will help me to create high quality backlink and i thanked you for your site

    seo expert marketing
