Saturday, July 28, 2012

Make animation your photo on Adobe photoshop

*In Photoshop create an image you want to animate.Include a single layer for each static element.Create multiple layers for moving elements.Each layer for a moving element should represent its at a different point in time.

*Save file and choose file>edit in image ready.The image ready applications open and display the image.

*Click animation tab to bring the animation palette to the front or if the palette it is open choose Windows>animation>Image ready created the first frame of the animation.

*Click the layer tab to bring the layer palette to the front or if the palette is not open choose Windows>layers>>arrange the layer palette and the animation is so that you can view at least some of the document windows and both palette.

*In the layer palette make sure the current layers are visible and hidden for the first the eye to hide a layer or the empty eye column to show a layer.

*Click the duplicate animation frame that the butt tom of the animation palate to add the next frame.In the palette adjust the visibility of as a layers needed for this frame.Continue to add new frames and hide or show their layer as appropriated.

*When you have created all of the animation frames click the button at the button of the animation palette to preview the animation.Click stop bottom to stop this.

*If your making animation is move so quickly select a specific frame whose display the time you want to adjust or select all the frame to change their display time uniformly then click The arrow next to 0 the bottom of a selected frame and choose the desire time from the pop-up menu.

*To set how many times the animations loops choose other from the pop-up menu on the bottom left corner of the animation palette.enter a value for play.
*When you are satisfied with the animation save the file.It is important to first save the using Photoshop format.

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