Friday, July 27, 2012

Exclusive interview with Marko Saric

Today I am very happy and excited feeling proud that I have just take an exclusive interview with marko saric one of my most favourite blogger from howtomakemyblog. I hope you will enjoy it. Here we go…..

At first I would like to thank you to give us some of your valuable time. Would you please tell my reader about yourself?
Marko: Alamin, thanks to invite me. My name is Marko Saric, I live on London, UK and I work in blogging and social media. I started working in e-marketing back in late 1990′s and have since followed the evolution and moved into blogging, social media and web 2.0.

How you started blogging?

Marko: I started creating static HTML, but at some point around 2006 the buzz word was web 2.0 and allowing visitors to interact and connect. Blogs were the easiest way of doing that so I got into WordPress and into creating and optimizing blogs.

Is it really possible to make living from blogging?
Marko: Definitely. Blogs are not much more different than websites, most readers will not be able to tell the difference. It is not about if you have a blog or a website, monetization always comes to you being able to create something that people want to read and want to share with their networks and then finding a way to monetize those eyeballs.
Which things one blogger need to start making money from his or her blog?
Marko: Good content is the most important. You need it to attract people, to build an audience, to build your authority. When you have an audience and people see you as an authority on the subject, making money is possible.
Which is the hardest part of blogging?
Marko: You need to work on it consistently every day for a long period of time. Most people are not prepared to make that effort so they never really get to succeed.
What’s your secret to get this massive success in very short time?
Marko: There is not secret. You work day by day, and slowly improve your presence and build your audience one by one.
What’s the best way or how a new blogger should market his blog?
Marko: Your content is the best way for you to market yourself. If your content is good and if it attracts people to spread the word about it, your readers will do the marketing for you.
How much time per day you blog, I mean how much time per day you spend in blogging?
Marko It is a full time job and a bit more as well as the internet and social media never sleeps. So quiet a few hours daily including weekends and holidays hehehe
How much time a blogger should work per day to get success?
Marko: As much as it takes. For most people it is many hours daily in the start and after couple of years of hard work it is a bit easier to let it go a bit, hire some help etc.
On which a new blogger should focus more ‘content or promotion’?
Marko: They go hand in hand. Content is very important but you also need to build a presence in social media and do some promotions here and there. Get a Twitter account, get a Facebook page, get a Youtube channel, go to Stumbleupon… spend time connecting to your audience wherever you find that they hang out.
What’s your favourite blog?
Marko: I read many blogs, I subscribe to hundreds of them so it is very hard to say which one is favourite. Steve Pavlina’s blog I enjoy quiet a lot as he always makes me read a lot when I visit his blog, and that is not something that many blogs can do.
If you are allow to be owner any blog from internet, which one will you choose?
Marko: Something like Mashable or some of the other huge blogs most probably.
The most critical part of blogging is getting traffic to me. So, what’s the best way to get traffic in your point of view?
Marko: Creating good content, connecting with people in the target audience and allowing them to spread the word for you.
Could you please tell us about your future plane or project?
Marko: I am working on a big social media / blog project for a big public listed company so that takes most of my time at this point.
I know it’s not fair but I can’t wait to hear something from by favourite blogger about my blog, what do you think about earnbyblog?
Marko:You should  use wordpress and Thesis so that is good start! You write articles regularly which is another good step. So keep working and keep connecting to new people and new audiences and you will see things starting to happen.

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