Friday, July 27, 2012

How to get direct advertiser for a blog?

How to get direct advertiser for a blog? This question was asked me by one of my friend joynal. He doesn’t want to share high commission with middleman. So I though it’s might not be only his question. So I have decided to write this post on the way to get advertiser for a blog or site. I hope you will enjoy this post.

Things to consider before searching direct advertiser:

It’s not guarantee that you will find some advertiser to sponsor your blog. So before looking for advertiser you should have certain quality to your site or blog.

  • Own domain name: you may have a blog with sub domain like but advertiser don’t care too much on sub domain. There are lots of quality top level domain’s sites out there. So the best way not to get advertiser is using sub domain.
  • Amount of post: You should have certain amount of post on your blog to attract advertiser. None will be interested if you have very few great posts.
  • Updated: The main feature of a blog is it’s always updated. So unless your blog is updated regularly, your blog is a dead blog and advertiser is not interested to advertise on a dead blog.
  • Traffic and readership: Always mind it that advertiser will buy ads spot only to get traffic to their site. So if you don’t have enough traffic how you will supply traffic to your sponsor’s site? 
  • Ask yourself: Before looking for advertiser finally ask yourself if you were an advertiser, would you buy ads spot from your site? if you can answer this question yes only then go for it otherwise concentrate on building readership and traffic.
Ways to get advertiser?
So now you know that you are ready to buy ads on your site or blog. So let’s see the ways to get advertiser.
Try to build high readership blog: Yes advertiser always wants to buy ad space from high traffic site. And always mind it the more your traffic is, the more your price is to advertiser. So your very first step should create high a blog with high traffic. If you have a blog with high traffic advertiser will contact you directly. And to get high traffic to your blog you need to deliver outstanding content and strong promotion strategy. You may have a look at my post 15 ways to increase traffic to your blog
Try to increase page rank and alexa rank: There are lots of blogger out there who actually don’t care too much about alexa rank and page rank. Actually I also agree with them that page rank and alexa rank don’t give the proper idea of any site. But we still have to care about that. Because advertiser likes high alexa and page ranked site to advertise even though those measurement don’t give exactly correct information. So you can it doesn’t matter whether you like alexa rank and page rank. If you like to get direct advertiser, you must work on it to increase your both rank.
Publish monthly traffic report: Many blogger don’t comfort to publish their traffic report. But it could be a great way to attract advertiser indirectly. Who knows that some potential advertiser isn’t reading your blog! So, publishing traffic report might help you to get direct offer from advertiser. When any advertiser will get noticed that you are getting good amount of traffic, he might contact you to buy ads from your blog.
Make advertise page: If you are really want to get direct advertiser for your blog, you must have a advertise page in your blog. So make a advertise page for your advertiser where the interested people can get the require information about your site. Try to make advertise page attractive. There is no specific way to make this page but here is some point which should be include in a proper advertise page.
  • You should give an idea about your sites traffic. You may also share the region from where you are getting most of your traffic.
  • Show the benefit of advertising on your blog.
  • Mention your page rank and alexa rank and other rank if any.
  • Show the reason why they should advertise on your blog.
  • Mention your price
  • Provide maximum ways to contact you.
Use advertise here banner: It’s a good idea to put advertise here banner where you want to sell ads. But mind it putting too many banner might have a negative effect on your advertiser.
Show at least one banner even it’s free: By born people don’t want to be first to take risk. So if your blog haven’t any running ads, you might lose some advertiser. Because many advertiser will think none is buying any ads in this blog so why I will. So put at least one banner even its very cheap. Then you may increase your price over time.
Take a look at related blog: If you are a blogger, you must have some interact with your fellow blogger. So take a look at their blog. If they have advertiser on their blog, then click on that ads and you will be redirected to their sites then contact to them directly. Let them know who you are and why you are contacting them. So if they find your blog could be a nice place, they will surely buy ads from you. And in this process chance is high to get advertiser. Most of the ads agency cut 50% commission. So say, if you want to buy an ads spot for $10 dollar. Then you have to fix your blog at $20 in the ads agency’s listing!! So think about it if you don’t have any person to cut your commission then you may offer lower price to your advertiser.
Mind it if you wants to contact advertiser from really high profile blogs, you might not get ads. Because most of the advertiser from high profile blogs are also high profile company. So they might not buy ads from you. The way is to contact advertiser who buy ads from site on your level.
Ads agency: There are lots of ads agency like available in internet works as a middleman to connect advertiser and blogger. You might join there just to connect with advertiser. In their home page you will get some featured advertiser. You may visit there site and offer them to buy ads from your blog. You also may take a look at publisher who already got ads. You just need to go their blog and click on their sold banner. Then you will be at the advertiser page and just offer him to buy ads from your blog. That’s it.

Forum: Forum could be a great place to find out potential advertiser. Many forums have market place where you can offer your ads.

1 comment:

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