Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do the white and glittering of teeth.

Teeth are being very important full part of us. After that any kinds of problem of teeth, we go to doctor. To the before adoption by a bit awareness burgle possible to avoid the problems of teeth. Who doesn’t want to white and glittering of teeth?

Let’s know some important information about teeth

Those people who cats breather leave red wine this things habit those their teeth will be white and glitter such as expectation should leave. This element will be one kind of spoil in the teeth.
So those food has mast probable spoil. After eating those meal have to brush on the other hand spoil will be permanent one day.
At the same toothbrush should  net use a long time. Most of the toothbrush those will set up the germs in the mouth so within two months toothbrush should be changed.
With apple, slider, vinegar have to before brushing on this way the teeth in this same the teeth. So that the teeth of row remove to germs vinegar can increase the beautiful red spoil.
The salt also can use as a tooth pest it also act as a cleaner.
And those way after brushing the teeth you must remove the rant of mouth.
Those people who have high bowel pleasure problem.
Breaking soda can use for doing the teeth white. Instead of tooth pest you use beaking soda one time in a week. You have to remember so that soda cannot go in the bolly.
Apple is called natural toothbrush.
After taking meal if you do not get any opppotunity then you can can take an apple it can do the act of brush. Besides carrat also have popconn also clean theteeth these food you cant take after eating meal.

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